Magnetic Hill - Amazing Phenomenon

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Magnetic Hill has become a major tourist attraction because of anti-gravity phenomenon observed on the hill. Magnetic Hill is situated on the Leh-Srinagar national highway, about 27 km from Leh.

Vehicles have been observed to move up the hill defying the law of gravity. The amazing phenomenon is observed even when the engine is turned off. Instances of vehicles gathering speed of 20 km per hour have also been observed.

Locals believe that the anti-gravity phenomenon occurs due to magnetic properties of the hill.
Besides vehicles on road, the magnetic effect has also been observed on airplanes and helicopters. So great is the magnetic pull that pilots have to increase their altitude when they pass over the hill.

The exact reason behind the phenomenon has not been discovered yet. Scientists, however, explain claim the gravity defying phenomenon is an optical illusion.

Magnetic Hill in Ladakh is not the only one across the globe. Same phenomena also called Spook Hills have been reported from various countries across the globe

It is not just vehicles which defy gravity, the magnetic effect has also been observed on water. When poured on the ground, instead of flowing down water it flows upwards.

Even as mystery shrouds the reason behind the gravity defying phenomenon, Magnetic Hill continues to attract tourists in droves.

The best season to travel Srinagar-Leh highway is between June and October. Rest of the year, the area remains snowbound and inaccessible.
